Orny Adam Fun Facts

We have seen him on Jerry Seinfeld’s The Comedian but he is more than meets the eye. Don’t believe us well here is the proof…

  • Orny wanted to play basketball in high school but did not make the team. He did make the debate team and traveled to different states “debating a bunch of geeks.” In college he was the pitcher for his fraternity softball team. They won the championship the two years he pitched.
  • Orny has never had a 9 to 5 job, something he cherishes like a medal of honor.
  • In the 1996, or thereabouts, casting agents from Disney came to Boston to scout new comedians. Orny was chosen and flown to Los Angeles to be considered for a deal to star in his own sitcom. The deal did not go through and the flight home was one of the loneliest.
  • When producers of the film “Comedian” approached Orny about being in the film, he assumed it would be for a scene, maybe two.
  • Orny and Jerry Seinfeld have remained friends and mutually respectful of each other’s work. Jerry is one of Orny’s biggest champions. Despite rumors, Orny is not related to Jerry. And Jerry is not related to Orny. But they do both have relatives.
  • Orny likes to eat alone and if he could have dinner with anybody throughout history it would therefore be himself.
  • Orny will often pull out a pen and paper from his back right pocket and write down some note. He will do this in the middle of conversations, middle of streets, even the middle of his act.
  • Orny’s act is 99% accurate and fact checked.

How could you not want to see him after reading all this?! Come to Comedy Works Downtown July 11th-13th!

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